So you might think that the big dog-related news for today, April 14, is the one-year anniversary of the arrival of Portuguese Water Dog “Bo” at the White House. Well. That is far from the most significant dog event of the day. There is nothing, not one thing, more important that happened on this day in dogs than the birth of my Jake in 1992.
It’s hard to believe that he was born 18 years ago, and that he has been gone from this world for almost eight. I still think of him often, but there’s a reason for the term “heart dog”—no matter how long they are gone from this earth, they are always, always near in your heart.
I’ve written about him before, and if you haven’t been here before, you can catch up here and there.
One thing about Jake that I miss so much is something that was sort of annoying at the time. If I was reading anything, but especially the newspaper, he would insert himself between me and whatever I was trying to read and gaze up at me with a goofy look of pure adoration in his eyes. I would always tell him that one day I was going to really miss having a dog standing on my feet and knocking over my newspaper, but not right that minute. And oh, God, do I ever miss that dog.
Here he is, adoring me, oblivious to sister Missy relaxing on the lawn. One day in the far-off future, I know I’ll see that adoring gaze once again.
“I will stay in your heart and whenever you speak my name, I will live and live and live.” — Ken Brewer
(NaBloPoMo | April ’10: 14 of 30)