I haven’t looked at the list of wireless network SSIDs in my neighborhood in a while, since my laptops are set up to automatically connect to either my home or work network, whichever one is available. Since I got a new laptop last week, I had another look at the wireless network names in the area while setting up.
At the risk of revealing lameness, our home network name uses the kennel name we use for our Rottweilers. Obviously, our network is properly secured, and I don’t really care if people guess whose network it is. And even if it weren’t secured, how dumb do you have to be to choose people with Rottweilers to steal from?
I admit that I might be pretty lame when it comes to thinking up good names. But apparently I still have more imagination than most of the neighborhood, since well over half of the visible networks still sport the default router name. I saw a statistic somewhere out on the ‘net claiming that 50% of wireless networks are named “linksys” and I now believe that number might be accurate. There was exactly one name that made me smile: “Skynet,” most likely from the Terminator movies.
Speaking of lame jagoffs, those of you who blog know that the comment spam seems to come in waves. This week’s wave is particularly annoying because the spam actually uses the word “dog” so I might slip up and think it’s a real comment.
Continuing on with even more lame jagoffs, you remember my minor scare from an unknown user registering on this blog a couple of days ago. The bots are still hard at work. No actual harm done to any installations, but I’ve now turned off registration on my galleries, my dormant blogs and on the installations of Joomla, Drupal, and vBulletin that I keep for learning and testing purposes only. No harm, but still kind of a pain.
(NaBloPoMo | April ’10: 15 of 30)
The people in our neighborhood are very similar in their lack of creativity. The number of linksys and 2WIRE### networks is astonishing. However, there are a few shining gems in our area, my favorites being “Off_My_Net” and “StealThisBitch”.
.-= Denora´s last blog ..Not my finest moment =-.
I saw one last night named “Not4UToUse” which is way better than the default names, but it made me want to steal their ‘net even though I have plenty of my own 🙂