Please, please, please don’t spoil me on Mad Men! I now have three episodes to catch up on before we can talk, including tonight’s season finale. I’ve complained before about Comcast’s delay in adding Mad Men episodes to On Demand in a timely fashion, particularly the non-HD versions. When I last checked earlier tonight, last week’s episode still wasn’t available for either HD or non-HD.
One show I am completely caught up on is Sons of Anarchy. It’s only Sunday and I am already looking forward to Tuesday’s 90-minute episode. One of the most interesting and surprising things about Sons of Anarchy is the large number of non-bikers who have embraced the show. That is obviously a good thing for the future of the show (as evidenced by its strong ratings) because I doubt any show could survive very long with a niche audience only. But no, I meant watching those non-bikers discuss the show on any number of blogs and forums. And by discuss, I mean overanalyze based on misconceptions of the “biker lifestyle” as they perceive it. The funniest ones are those who think they know everything about outlaw bikers because they watched all the A&E Gangland biker episodes. Or because they are slightly acquainted with one, count ’em, one outlaw biker, or at least they think he is an outlaw biker because he wears a vest with something on the back.
I suppose I shouldn’t make fun of these people. I don’t know anything about their hobbies or lives either. Then again, I don’t go acting like I do know anything about… ummm… fly fishing, or bowling, or Formula One racing, or life in [insert country or region of U.S. that I have never lived in or even visited]. And I try not to post ridiculous stuff based on that lack of knowledge all over the internet. Except for here, of course. But this is my place!
Speaking of bikers, I guess I should say something about South Park and last week’s “The ‘F’ Word” episode. I think in general I’m way too old for South Park anyway, although I still find many uses for a quote from the original “Spirit of Christmas” episode: “Don’t belittle my people, [insert appropriate insult here]!” I actually use it quite a lot because a surprising number of people who would never make racial jokes about other minorities think it’s ok to make stupid flied lice/Engrish jokes about Asians. But I also don’t think the show is as funny as it used to be. Or maybe they are just too caught up in sending messages. Yeah, yeah, I get it. Using the word “fag” as a generic insult is Wrong and Not A Good Thing. You guys sure got GLAAD upset about how you sent that message, too.
But really, there weren’t that many big laughs in “The ‘F’ Word” other than bike curious (someone who hasn’t yet bought a Harley, but might be interested in buying one) and the bikers making motor noises with their mouths.
I am also somewhat surprised that I haven’t yet seen anything about legal action. Harley-Davidson is extremely protective of their trademarks. Although I would think that the use of the word “Harley” and the cartoon bikers and bikes as portrayed in South Park are well within the limits of free speech, I’ve thought that about other instances in which Harley-Davidson did file lawsuits. I also wonder what will come of the reference to “Hades’ Divinations” and the image on the patch.
Buh buh buh buh buh BUH BUH BAH BAH BAH!
(NaBloPoMo | November ’09: 8 of 30 | 75% Challenge: 253 of 274)