Does this one look familiar?
Yup, still there, going on at least three years now. I have mentioned it on a couple of occasions when I had to actually speak to a cashier there. Apparently, a display of stupidity in extremely large type not only fails to be a primary concern, it hasn’t even rotated up the list in all that time.
I didn’t know if this one was going to be usable until I got home.
On the drive home from work, I noticed black skies and a rainbow behind me in my side mirror.
Strangely enough (or perhaps not strange at all for summer in Chicago), the skies were only slightly cloudy ahead of me, and I was driving through a sunshower right at that moment.
I quickly shot a few pics with my BlackBerry and hoped that even without aiming or focusing, at least one of them would come out. We’ve had some extremely nice rainbows following some of the summer storms here, but in the city, the buildings and overhead lines always seem to get in the way of a good photo.
(NaBloPoMo | July ’10: 6 of 31)