This will be my second consecutive month of attempting to blog daily. March daily blogging went pretty well, despite a couple of days where I had absolutely nothing to say. Life and blogging did go on, though, with a successful finish to the month.
The optional theme for April is Growing (Up). Growing up is something that I may never do. Growing intellectually, emotionally and spiritually is something I hope I never stop doing. And of course, growing old is inevitable, and the choice is simply between growing old gracefully or just growing old.
Growing as a writer and communicator has been somewhat of an afterthought. I returned to regular blogging with the November 2008 NaBloPoMo just for fun, but lately I’ve been thinking about how to make my blog more interesting and worthwhile not only to my very small audience, but to myself as well.
One of my problems that affects my writing is the same problem that has kept me in an accidental career for all these years. I have never found my true passion. I have found my soulmate, and I have a good and comfortable life. There are many things I enjoy doing, even love doing. There are many things I care about. But there is nothing I can point to and say it is my true passion, although the Rottweilers do come close.
I also know I don’t put enough of myself into my writing, because there are so many topics that I like writing about, but so few that I really feel compelled to write about. There is so much room for me to grow as a writer and as a person, if I can only figure out how and where to start. I’m hoping that a month of reflecting on the “growing” theme will help send me in the right direction.