Well, sort of! Since Axe didn’t finish his championship at home this past weekend, he’ll be home for the holidays only, and then heading out on January 3 to Texas, then Florida, which is way more exciting than what his human family members have planned for themselves for January.
As you’ve guessed by now, if you’ve been following Axe’s championship quest, our much-hoped-for 3-point majors for Rottweiler dogs did not hold for any of the three Christmas Cluster shows at the Rosemont Convention Center. Oh, I guess that should be Donald E. Stephens Convention Center now, but I don’t call the Sears Tower the Willis Tower either, so bear with me, please.
Despite the lack of majors this past weekend, I still have good news to report. Axe went Winners Dog and Best of Winners at Friday’s show for 2 points, giving him 13 total points. Now he needs just one more major win to earn his championship. On Saturday, he had a successful debut in the Rally Obedience ring, qualifying for his first Rally Novice leg with a score of 94 points, which was good enough for 3rd place. Have I mentioned before how much I appreciate Axe’s handler, Julia Foster? Not only does she make him look good, she gets him to work well with her, too.
I’ve added Axel’s November show photos to his gallery for you to enjoy.