Ever since I outgrew the obligatory “glued to the phone” phase of teenage girlhood about a million years ago, I’ve avoided telephones as much as possible. Voicemail and Caller ID are two of my favorite things.
I also avoided getting a cell phone for longer than many people. When I did get one, it was the one that came cheap or free with the calling plan. I didn’t bother with a cool or trendy or whiz-bang phone until my last one, a Fire Red Motorola KRZR. That color has since become my choice for all of my personal electronics and I have actually traded off other selling points just to get that color. Sad, I know.
I do like gadgets, though, and a Palm PDA was one of my most indispensible items for almost 10 years. I’ve also had an MP3 player, though never an iPod, for just about as long.
When our cell phone contract was up in November, I decided it was finally time to consolidate all my devices and buy a smartphone. After looking at all of the whiz-bang touchscreen phones, I ended up buying neither an iPhone nor a BlackBerry Storm, but a non-touchscreen BlackBerry Curve. Oh, and a red case for it, of course.
In the past two months, I have grown very attached to it. I am not sure how I got along without it. It usually knows what I’m doing, even if I don’t.
All of the data from my Palm transferred over without much pain, and most of my music library has also been transferred over so the BlackBerry can also serve as a music player. Yeah, I know, the sound quality is not quite good enough for a true connoisseur, but it is fine for a regular person.
All this leads up to tonight’s addition of a Slacker internet radio client. I no longer have iPhone envy. Well, not much anyway. It’s a big change for me to like a phone, even a smart one, this much.
I still don’t like talking on the phone though. Some things don’t change!