Dan and I both thought there would be more white blossoms in the mix. The white ones also showed up late to the party, well after most of the purple ones were in.
(NaBloPoMo | October ’10: 24 of 31)
Rottweilers. Computers. Cameras. World Domination. Not necessarily in that order.
jon says
I will not own any plant I cannot spell. Sadly, We only have a couple of roze bushes.
jon recently posted..Senior Citizen classes for old people first timers
kathi says
My dad raises orchids. Some of those variety names are truly impossible to spell!
Kwizgiver says
I have the black thumb of death. But I do love plants and flowers, I just stopped getting them because I feel so guilty when they die in my care.
Is that a frog in your planter??
Kwizgiver recently posted..thursday bug
kathi says
I’m not good with plants so it’s my husband’s job to keep them alive and thriving. That is indeed a frog and I will get a better photo once the flowers are gone for the winter.